Wishes granted

Alex S wished 4 a mancave

Alex was very much a 17-year-old typical teenager who loved tech and photography. When Alex was in grade 11, a simple eye exam turned into a diagnosis of a germinoma tumor. Initial surgeries discovered that the tumor was malignant and...


Chelsea takes her RV on a 17 day cross Canada trip

Not only was Chelsea battling epilepsy, but also cancer, for the second time. At 18 years old, she was ready for a new adventure with her family – one that did not involve hospitals, but that of making memories. We...


Devin receives a new swimming pool complete with a hoist

A Wish 4 Devin Devin is an 18 year old boy from the West side of Saint John, with multiple disabilities. They include being legally blind, hearing impaired, neuromuscular disease, non-verbal, solitary kidney, scoliosis, seizures & osteoporosis resulting in a...


Malachi tours the province and comes home to lots of gifts

The first time we heard of Malachi Ray was via a link to the Dalhousie Medical School Magazine. The following editorial and picture are from the June 15, 2010 edition. At just 10 years old, Jordan Malachi Ray has become...