Alex S wished 4 a mancave

Alex was very much a 17-year-old typical teenager who loved tech and photography.

When Alex was in grade 11, a simple eye exam turned into a diagnosis of a germinoma tumor. Initial surgeries discovered that the tumor was malignant and right in the middle of his brain, making it difficult to remove. Doctors decided that an aggressive course of chemotherapy and radiation was the best option. The week most high school students had March break, Alex began chemotherapy. It wrought havoc on his immune system but by July the tumor had shrunk enough for radiation to take over.

Alex spent the summer doing radiation 5 days a week. Doctors were impressed by his progress and gave him the green light to go back to school, something he desperately missed.  Although he is still passionate about photography, his challenges inspired him to consider pursuing a career in the medical field, helping young people who have to spend large parts of their youth in the hospital.

His wish was for a Mancave and so the W4W team got to work, a new bed – mini fridge – latest large screen tv – all new decor and a new camera to further his skill as a budding photographer.  All the work was done while Alex and his family enjoyed a mini vacation at the Algonquin hotel in Saint Andrews.  All done in secret.

The Mancave